Any dog can bite — if provoked. Here are some tips on how to avoid dog bites.
Big or small, male or female, young or old, any dog can bite. Even the cuddliest, fuzziest, sweetest pet can bite if provoked. Dogs...

Dogs Age Faster Than We Realize, So Annual Physicals Are Really Important
Looking at this chart, you can see how quickly our pets age compared to us. That’s why the annual physical exam is so important, so we...

7 Foods That You Should Never Feed Your Dog … Ever
At the Animal Medical Center on Romany, we hear it all. Can my dog eat carrots, popcorn, apples? (Those aren’t great, but they probably...

Common questions and answers about dental care for dogs
Do you have questions about taking care of your dog’s teeth? We’ve answered some commonly asked questions below: I’ve heard dental...

What to do when your cat won't use the litter box
These suggestions will correct most inappropriate elimination problems in cats. If your cat is still not using the litter box 100% of the...

With a few precautions, barn dogs rock
I love barn dogs. These are dogs that get to be real dogs. They get to run as a pack, swim in the creek, roll in the mud and eat horse...

Caring for senior cats
I love my older patients. Thankfully with the advances in veterinary medicine and client education, I get to see more and more of my...

A toy that makes cats 'hunt' and work for their food
Dr. Donworth says so many cats would benefit from this, a toy that makes cats “hunt” and work for their food and potentially lose weight...

How to tire your dog out when you can't get outside
Dogs need exercise, but it's not always easy to get outdoors. Whether the weather is bad, you're stuck in a 5th floor walkup, or you just...