Puppy 101: Exercise matters

Dogs need a lot of exercise, even the little ones! Dr. Donworth answers your questions about walking your dog in this installment of Puppy 101.
When should I start taking my puppy on walks?
Get them walking well, without pulling, on a leash from day one. Ask us for training ideas at your next appointment.
How often should I walk my dog?
They need a good long walk every single day, no matter what the weather. The only exception to this is extreme heat in the summer.
What are the benefits of walking my dog?
Many behavior problems can be avoided by giving your dog enough exercise.
Walking is an important 'pack' type behavior. It fulfills their need to patrol their territory and teaches them to pay attention to you as the pack leader.
My dog plays in our backyard, is that enough?
Running around the backyard is great, but it does not replace the need for a walk.
Have more questions about training your new dog? Ask at your next visit! Schedule an appointment by calling Animal Center on Romany at 859-268-1780. Dr. Donworth believes in spending a lot of time with new puppy owners to set you on the right path to having a healthy, happy, well behaved family dog.