AMC Romany Covid-19 Service Update
Dear Clients, To limit the spread of COVID19, we are taking the following steps for the next 30 days: 1. No grooming services. 2. No...

Pet dental health: How to care for your dog's teeth
Do you have questions about taking care of your dog’s teeth? We’ve answered some commonly asked questions to help you keep your dog...

Puppy 101: What to feed your puppy
The dog food aisles are full of options. What should you choose for your dog? Animal Medical Center on Romany's Dr. Donworth answers your...

Puppy 101: Exercise matters
Dogs need a lot of exercise, even the little ones! Dr. Donworth answers your questions about walking your dog in this installment of...

Puppy 101: Training and Discipline
It is important to start basic obedience when the dog is still a young puppy. Animal Medical Center on Romany's Dr. Donworth shares some...

Puppy 101: How do I housebreak my puppy?
First in a series of posts about how to care for a new puppy. How do I housebreak my puppy? This always the first question owners have...

How to choose the best cat carrier in 2019
Reduce your cat's stress with these five tips to choosing the best carrier for your cat.

Dog Dementia
Here’s a common scenario for me: I walk into the exam room and greet a client with a dog that I remember seeing at his or her first puppy...

My Dog is Vomiting; When Do I Call the Vet?
I see vomiting dogs here at the clinic A LOT. It's probably in the top 3 reasons people come to me for help. Vomiting, also known as...

Lindsey’s top 5 tools for at-home dog grooming
Lindsey Huffmann, a certified grooming specialist at the Animal Medical Center on Romany, offers her top 5 tips for grooming your dogs at ho